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Tuesday 26 February 2013


Makanan Sehat Untuk Jantung Anda

Serangan jantung adalah penyakit mematikan nomor satu di dunia, dengan jumlah penderita yang terus mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pola makan yang salah. Di artikel berikut, Anda akan mengetahui makanan apa saja yang justru membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung anda.
Mengkonsumsi makanan dengan kadar kolesterol tinggi dapat menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah koroner jantung. Lantas, makanan apakah yang baik untuk kesehatan jantung anda? Berikut contoh makanan sehat yang baik untuk jantung anda:

1. Ikan Laut
Jenis ikan yang berada di laut dalam seperti salmon dan tuna kaya akan asam lemak omega, terutama omega-3, omega-6, dan omega-9. Menurut penelitian di sebuah universitas di Eropa, mengkonsumsi ikan tersebut selama 2 minggu menunjukkan penurunan risiko penyempitan pembuluh darah koroner sebanyak 20%. Sajikan ikan dengan cara dipanggang atau dibakar dengan minyak zaitun.

2. Apel
Para peneliti dari universitas ternama di Amerika, menemukan bahwa mengkonsumsi satu buah apel tiap harinya mampu menurunkan peningkatan kolesterol jahat, yaitu LDL sebesar 8%. Apel mengandung serat larut, yaitu pektin yang membersihkan dinding arteri dari penumpukan plak - plak kolesterol yang membahayakan jantung.

3. Anggur
Resveratol yang terutama terdapat pada kulit anffut merah diteliti memiliki efek cardioprotective yang menghambat terbentuknya beku-bekuan darah pada pembuluh darah koroner, selain juga menghambat peroksidasi kolesterol jahat (LDL).

4. Buah Berry  (Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry)
Buah berry mengandung komponen yang mirip dengan resveratol dalam anggur. Selain itu buah berry mengandung antioksidan jenis pterostilbene, yang merangsang sel - sel liver untuk bekerja mencerna lemak dan kolesterol. Berkurangnya konsentrasi kolesterol jahat dalam darah mampu mengurangi risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Buah berry dapat disajikan sebagai jus atau pelengkap salad.

5. Almond
Almond merupakan jenis kacang - kacangan yang kaya akan asam lemak tidak jenuh dan phytosterols. Asam lemak tidak jenuh mampu meningkatkan pengeluaran kolesterol jahat (LDL) dan meningkatkan konsentrasi kolesterol baik (HDL) dalam darah. Sedangkan phystosterols mampu berkompetisi dengan kolesterol, sehingga tidak diserap oleh usus. Almond dapat disajikan menjadi topping/pelengkap dari masakan anda.
Selain mengkonsumsi makanan - makanan di atas dengan secara rutin melakukan cardio-exercise seperti: jogging, renang, bersepeda, badminton, dan olahraga lainnya, anda dapat menjaga otot jantung agar tetap sehat!

Oleh: dr. Rinaldi SpJP,FIHA

Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang
Jl. Pom IX, Palembang
Sumatera Selatan
Telp: 5229100

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Shape Up Supplementation Plan

Shape Up

Supplementation Plan

Managing weight is not just about cosuming less or going hungry, it is all about adding variety and being moderate when planning your meals and exercise activities. It is also crucial to ensure that you don’t lose out on important nutrients. A good supplemnetation plan will help care for you and your health as you head towards your weight goal.

Supplements For Better Weight Management

  • A nutritious meal replacement drink is easy to prepare, convenient to carry out and fits into most lifestyle. It is low in calories and fat, but provides a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, essential vitamins and minerals, including dietary fibre.
  • Go for a fibre supplement thar provides both soluble and insoluble fiber, and fructooligasacchariddes, which help to provide bulk. It keeps you full and slows down the rate at which food is digested. Soluble fibre also helps in better carbohydrate and cholesterol management in the blood, while insoluble fibre helps ease bowel movements. It also complements a diet that is lacking in fruits and vegetables.
  • Consider Lechitin and Vitamin E from soybeans. Lechitin is known to be an emulsifier of fats, turning it into tiny manageable units for digestion, while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that fights free radicals and protects lechitin from oxidation. Protection against free radicals becomes essential when exercise is incorporated as it can trigger the production of free radicals.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) works to convert food into energy, while L-Carnitine helps carry fats as fuel to be used by CoQ10 as an energy source.

  • White kidney bean and soybean extracts make a good supplement too. This pairing helps curb absorption of carbohydrates and sugar.

  • Keep your body nourushed with multivitamins, multiminerals and phytonutrient supplements to complement your weight management programme. Staying healthy with a wide range of nutrients keeps your body functioning in top form.

  • A healthy digestive system enables better absorption of nutrients. Opt for a supplement that provides a sufficient amount of friendly bacteria. It helps strengthen the immune system too.

  • Protein is a macronutrient that is not easily stored and needs to be replenished daily. Protein is essential to build muscles and lean tissues, which helps to burn body fat, as muscle is an active tissue that cosume calories.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Scientists find cell that cause cancer

Scientists find cell that cause cancer
Discovery by local researchers to shape diagnosis prevention treatment of cervical cancer.

Scientists here have discovered a set of cells in the womb that causes human papillomavirus (HPVs) or HPV related cervical cancers.
These findings have immense clinical implications in the diagnosis, prevention as well as the treatment of cervical cancer according to the scientists.
It raises, for example, the distinct possibility that removing this set of cells could reduce young women's risks of cervical cancer.
The cells do not regenerate when excised. The findings also mean scientists could have a way of distinguishing potentially dangerous pre-cancerous lexions from benign ones, as the set of cells have unique biomarkers seen in all forms of invasive cervical cancers linked to HPV .

Infection with HPV is the most common cause or risk factor for cervical cancer, the seventh most common female cancer in Singapore.

About 200 cases are diagnosed every year.
The study was conducted by scientists from the agency for Science, Technology and Researcher’s Institute of Medical Biology and Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) and clinicians from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH).
Their research was published this week in the prestigious journal, proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Christopher Crum, Director of Women’s and Perinatal Pathology in the Department of Pathology in the Department of Pathology at BWH, said: “It has been a decades-old mystery why cervical cancers caused by HPV arise only from a discrete region of the cervix, known as the ‘squamo columnar junction’, despite the presence of the virus throughout the genital tract.

“The discovery of these cells finally resolves this mystery and will have wide-ranging impact, from developing more meaningful animal models of early cervical carcinogenesis to clinical implications.”

Added Dr. Frank Mckeon, Senior Group Leader at Genome Institute of Singapore: “Our previous work on esophageal cancer opened up the possibility of ‘preventive therapy’ to stamp out the disease by eliminating this small group of cells.

“This recent work in the cervix further validates this concept and raises important possibilities for early intervention to prevent malignancies linked to very small populations of these unusual, discrete population of cells.”


Monday 18 June 2012

Music Enhances Your Brain

Music Enhances Your Brain.

A group of scientists in Germany discovered that musicians are able to perform complex sequences of finger movements using lesser brain activity as compared to nonmusicians; meaning musicians are more efficient at making skilled movements. We see that as having more brain cells to multi-task! 
If you are looking for an activity thatcan fully utilize your brains, play music! Harvard Medical School neuroscientists Gofiffied Schlaug stated at a press briefing that "The underdeveloped systems on the right side of the brain that respond to music became enhanced and changed structures". Overall, Schlaug said, the experiments show that “music might be an alterntive medium for engaging parts of the brain that are otherwise not engaged.” 
Nina Kraus, director of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University in Illinois added that musical training, whatever the age, should be universally encouraged, since it can play a key role in education, clinical therapies, and even in protective measures for keeping the brain sharp as people age. Plus " she said. "it's just inherently wonderful." 
(Source: 20 Feb 2010, National Geographic Daily News)

Monday 11 June 2012

You Can Be Fitter, Healthier And Look Even Better

You Can Be Fitter, Healthier And Look Even Better
You can get back into shape without starving and being confined to a fixed eating/exercise schedule or location. Shape up weight management, a 10-week programme that you can get into anytime, anywhere at your own pace. It's tome to cut the fat and look absolutely fab!

The Expanding Waistline Phenomenon
Are you a part of it? Obesity rate is increasing in various parts of the world.
Most alarming: Obesity is trending younger. Even among children.

BMI between 23 and 24.9 = overweight
BMI above 25 = obese

Increased weight = increased risk of diseases, e.g. diabetes, heart attack, kidney disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, among others.
Before you say, "No, that can't be me!", have a quick count of your BMI.

BMI =        Weight (kg)                     
            Height (m) x Height (m)

within 10 days
  • More energy
  • Sleep better
  • Less stressed out
  • Less tired
within the first 4 weeks
  • Weight loss
  • Reduced waist size
  • Improved skin condition
  • Lower body fat
  • Better blood pressure level
a healthy lifestyle
In the long run you will feel:
  • Lighter
  • Healthier
  • Fitter
  • More confident
Diet doesn't mean starving yourself. It means watching what you eat. The right portion and the right choice of food will help you control your fat intake which, in the end, promotes weight loss.
To start: Take multiple small meals in a day. Drink plenty of water. Cut down on sugar.

Increased physical activities = increased calories burnt. 
But you are busy and you have "no time" to get moving, right? WRONG. You don't need a lot of time. All you need is the right exercise > Do Less, Get more!
No special equipment, no special gear, no gym needed, and No More Excuses!


Protein us the building block for cells. it contributes to healthy skin, nails and hair and helps in the repair of body tissues. It also helps the body produce enzymes and hormones and stabilises emotions and leaves you feeling full longer and more energised.

Protein For All Ages
Build resistance against stress, physical and mental tiredness

  • Serotonin, the feel-good hormone is synthesised by tryptophan, which comes from protein. It helps reduce stress and its negative effects.
  • Performs many other functions in the body including growth and repair, signalling from one cell to another, defending against invaders and as a catalyst for chemical reaction.


For growth and development

  • Supplies essential building blocks for bone and muscle growth and height and mental development.
  • Helps to give children energy and vitality to get through the day more easily.

Maintains muscle and bone mass. Elderly people need more nutrition to keep their bodies healthy.
  • Delays muscle deterioration by improving muscle strength and maintaining bone mass, which reduces risk of failing and injury.
  • Helps in the recovery stage after illness.

Pregnant & Nursing Mothers.
Replenishes nutrients and supports growing baby.
  • A nin-fattening protein source prevents excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
  • Helps in the growth of babies and essential for their brain development.
  • Provides essential amino acids for lactating mothers to recuperate faster after childbirth.
  • Provides nutrients and antioxidants to strengthen pregnant women or nursing mothers' immune systems.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Weight Control

Weight Control.

Cutting calories often means cutting important nutrition. It's hard to get all the nutrition you need if you're skipping meals, eating smaller portions or only selected foods.

Fructose is the same type of sugar you would find in fruits, which is easily digestible. Being sweeter than sucrose, lesser amounts are required to get the desired sweetness, which also means lesser calories per serving.

Exercise is one tool you have to apply to control your weight, as it is a way to increase the number of calories that you burn off in a day. Also, exercise strengthens the muscles and tones them up as weight loss can make muscles flabby and lose its elasticity. As the muscles are strengthened, the body will use fat through exercising, and the fat will be used for normal activities, even when you are not exercising.

A meal replacement drink mix is one of the easiest options to look for in a weight control programme as it is easy to prepare and easy to be carried around. It should also be tasty and safe to consume. Below is an example of suggested use for a low calorie daily meal plan.

278 Kcal       A plate of chicken rice (with white meat)
56 Kcal         A slice of papaya
3O Kcal        A 90ml of Acerola Cherry fruit drink Beverage
36 Kcal         A slice of chocolate Swiss Roll

A meal replacement option consisting of flavoured, non-fat milk powder sweetened with fructose and comes with added vitamins and minerals. Carefully formulated with a healthful balance of protein vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.

Body Mass Index
ow if you are overweight? Did you know that you couid all assess your level of health risk using a simple tool known as BMI? The body mass index (BMI) is a method of checking your body weight - to judge whether you may be at risk of health problems associated with excess weight.
at exercising.
BMI =    _________Body Weight (kg)_____
               Body Height (m) x Body Height (m)

For example: if I were 1.73m, and weighed 68kg, I would have a BMI of 22.72, and wouid be at very low risk according to the chart below:
In general, as your BMI goes up, your risk for health problems associated with weight goes up. The American Dietetic Association associates level of risk with BMI ranges as follows: 
20-25 is very low 
26-30 low risk 
31-35 moderate risk 
36-40 very high risk